Acupuncture in Bethesda, MD

Acupuncture is a therapeutic modality; it treats patients by inserting sterilized and very thin stainless-steel needles into specific points in the surface of skin. There are more than 360 regular points located on meridians through which Qi (vital energy) runs. Hundreds of extra points exist.


Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) believes that stimulating these points can promote free flow of Qi (vital energy), once Qi is not blocked and becomes balanced, health is restored. Even though there is not enough scientific proof that these meridians or acupuncture points exist, studies show that acupuncture can definitely influence various biochemical and physiological functions, such as releasing of neurotransmitters and endorphins, increased circulation, decreased inflammation and speed up national healing.


YanQiu He was originally trained in Chinese medicine; people call her practice a “Chinese style of acupuncture.” In order to provide the best acupuncture in Bethesda, MD for each patient, YanQiu He has studied in depth the French Energetic Living System, the Five Elements System, Japanese Acupuncture, as well as the Ayurveda system and tries to incorporate all the best aspects of these systems into her Chinese Medicine practice.


Acupuncture is one of the safest medical treatments available today, with very few side effects. It is widely used to treat a variety of respiratory, endocrinological, gastrointestinal, neurological, musculoskeletal and addictive disorders.


Acupuncture treatment includes two steps:


1. First, to treat the current condition. For example, manage pain symptoms, reduce stress and calm the mind, support chemotherapy, support infertility treatment etc.


2. Second, to review the medical history of the patient and try to isolate the root of the condition and treat the causes instead of addressing only the symptoms. For example, what could be the causes of lower back pain? (disc related problem, poor posture, kidney Qi deficiency, related to IBS or female problems) This second approach is effective in the treatment of recurring chronic conditions or complicated co-existing conditions.


Using a two-fold approach, the patient will have results that last for a longer period of time, and potentially resolve the condition.


In YanQiu He’s practice, she first addresses the patient’s acute condition, then encourages and helps patients to find the possible root cause of their condition. Once the causes are identified, she works with the patient to develop a treatment plan that specially matches their needs. The patient can then begin working on preventative measures and also learn ways to prevent re-occurrence.


YanQiu He remembers that her teacher told her early in her medical training that education is more important than the treatment itself. The great master knows how to prevent problems instead of only treating them.