6 Things You Didn’t Know About Acupuncture

6 Things You Didn’t Know About Acupuncture

The practice of acupuncture has been around for thousands of years. This ancient Chinese therapy is used to treat conditions such as high blood pressure, migraines, respiratory disorders, allergies, stress, and depression, among others.

Though the practice is fast gaining popularity in America, this form of alternative medicine is still greatly misunderstood. First, there are several forms of acupuncture that use different techniques to bring healing.

Here are some of the things you should know as you prepare for your first visit:

1. You Should Eat Something Before Going In

Acupuncturists recommend that you have a meal or a snack about an hour before your session. This is because the therapy can cause dizziness, lightheadedness, and even fainting in some people who aren’t used to it.

However, you should not have a heavy meal as you prepare to go in or immediately after treatment as this will undermine the effects of the session.

2. You May Be Asked Some Embarrassing Questions

In your first session, the acupuncturist will ask you many personal questions regarding your health and lifestyle. They do this to understand your body better as everything in it is interconnected.

The more accurate information you give, the better the treatment you will receive as the practitioner will be able to make a more detailed diagnosis.

Expect questions about:

  • How you sleep
  • Energy levels
  • Appetite and digestion
  • Mood and emotional state
  • Digestion and bowel movements
  • Mensuration for women
  • Urination

Your acupuncturist may use a system called the four examinations to learn as much about your body as possible. It includes asking, looking, smelling, and touching.

During this assessment, they will check your demeanor, complexion, posture, take your pulse, and might even ask to see your tongue. It may not seem necessary, but all these seemingly intrusive tests and questions will significantly improve the quality of treatment you get.

3. The Needles Don’t Hurt

Acupuncture relies on the use of needles to alleviate pain and remedy various conditions. However, the needles used are very slender: they’re only about the width of two strands of hair.

It is surprising to most first-timers at how painless it is when the needles are inserted. As they are gently placed into your skin, endorphins are released which activate the brain’s relaxation mode making the experience pleasant for patients.

Do not be surprised if you doze off during the session as it can last anywhere between 45 minutes to one hour.

4. Needles Are Never Reused

Though acupuncture is an ancient practice, the industry is highly regulated and professional. The main objective of an acupuncturist is to treat ailments and help improve the quality of your life.

As such, needles are only used on one patient and discarded after that, just like in regular hospitals.

5. Acupuncture Does Not Interfere with Other Medical Treatments

Research indicates that conventional medicine and acupuncture can be used on a complementary basis to significant effect. It is highly used by the United States military, including battlefield acupuncture, while many medical institutions are also recognizing and recommending it.

Acupuncture has also been proven to help reduce a patients’ reliance on pain medications and as an effective complementary therapy for patients receiving cancer treatment.

6. Results Take Time

Acupuncture treatment is effective for many conditions, but it’s not a magic therapy. The goal is not just to eradicate the symptoms but to dig deep and address the underlying issues.

Though you may feel a difference after the first session, it is essential that you commit to the follow-up sessions as recommended by your acupuncturist. This will ensure the treatment will have long-lasting positive effects on your body.

What Does Science Say About Acupuncture?

Though it is an ancient method of treatment, the medical benefits of acupuncture have been validated by research. At present, the World Health Organization recognizes its effectiveness in treating over 60 conditions.

When you’re ready to invest in a quality acupuncturist, rely on Acupuncture In Bethesda to treat your underlying conditions.

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