
Fatigue is a very common condition for acupuncture treatment. Fatigue has wide range of symptoms: not feeling revitalized after waking in the morning, brain fog and inability to focus, tired and dizzy in afternoon, or feeling exhausted all the time. Fatigue can also cause migraines,...

Female, 60 years old, good health in general. She has had severe eczema for three years, affected mostly hands and feet. Symptoms include: itchy and thickened skin, skin that’s red or yellowish, big cracks, can be very painful and progressive gets worse. She went to...

Seasonal allergies are caused by a hypersensitive immune system. Some people genetically are susceptible to allergen, mostly due to constitutional weakness. But some others start allergy later in life, caused by progressive decline in Lung-Qi, part of the body’s defense system.


Together, your two feet contain more than 50 bones, many joints and a couple hundred muscles, tendons, and ligaments that hold them together and help them move.

Feet have a tough job, everyday, they bear body weight while walking, running and jumping. It is not...

Taoism is a philosophy or way people look at life. Lao Tzu believed that the way to happiness was for people to learn to "go with the flow." Instead of trying to get things done the hard way, people should take the time to figure...

The Lily Bulb has a long history of being used as medicinal plant in China.

Modern research has found that lily bulbs contain a variety of substances that can promote health and well-being. According to traditional Chinese medicine, lily bulbs have sweet and slightly cold...